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Rm 601, 6/F, Tung Hip Comm Bldg, 248 Des Voeux Rd Central, Sheung Wan

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C.I.S.O. Psychotherapy & Counseling Services

Balanced mind in a balanced body

思塑 催眠治療中心

Our Psychotherapy & Counseling Services

We provide comprehensive counseling and Psychotherapy services in Hong Kong. We provide high quality, affordable care for individuals to manage stress and deal with mental related physical health problems i.e. Psychosomatic Disorders. Hypnotherapy & cognitive behavioral training works perfectly as a complementary alternative method to relieve chronic pain, skin disorder, asthma and speed up the recovery for cancer patient when working adjunct with conventional medication and medicine. 


Every emotion affects us physically. Please do not hesitate to call 3896-3711 or Whatsapp 97016943 for "FREE telephone evaluation" or more details about the therapy.

Thousands of people always advise us to cast off our negative attitudes and think positively. We listen their words, agree with the principles, but continue to act as our old, established habits dictate. The conscious mind agrees but the subconscious does not, creating a stalemate.


Most people just muddle along day after day, realizing only a small percentage of their potential and hoping luck or some other mysterious unknown force will eventually change their lives. Many people also travel all over the world trying to “find” themselves. That elusive self can’t be found by traveling, or even by looking behind the door or under the bed. The true self can be found by looking inward rather than outward.

Emotion, Stress & Health

Psychosomatic simply means that mind and body are one, and what affects one affects the other. As we have seen, Fear, Nerves, Worry, Guilt and Anger can cause physical symptoms.  The relationship between emotions and bodily functions is demonstrated by the numerous disorders of digestive system, skin disease, insomnia, chronic pain, asthma, cancer and etc. lt is important to listen to your body messgae and manage the stress properly to make yourself healthy.

Heart Disease, Cancer & Depression


Most people always have a fear of Heart Disease and Cancer, they change their lifestyles such as avoiding junk food and alcohol, eating organic food, doing exercise to keep themselves away from these life threatening diseases. However, do we even think about the deep rooted cause is our mental problem. Without looking after our mind, how can we get a healthy and strong body.

Some Diseases Can't Be Cured?


Do you really think some of the diseases cannot be cured such as Cancer, Asthma or Psoriasis.This way of thinking and assumption will misallocate our energy to heal ourselves. Our belief and the brain power are the keys to cure the illness. Mountains of researches and examples around us that the so called life threatening diseases can be cured, so changing our faulty assumptions now.

Hypnotherapy and Medically Proven


Hypnotherapy is used in a number of fields including psychotherapy, surgery and dentistry. It is commonly used as an alternative treatment for a wide range of health conditions, including weight control, pain management and smoking cessation. It is also used o control pain in a variety of conditions such as headaches, arthritis, burns, musculoskeletal disorders, childbirth and many more. Hypnotherapy is being used in place of anesthesia, particularly in patients who prove to be allergic to anesthetic drugs, for surgeries such as hysterectomies, cesarean sections, certain cardiovascular procedures, thyroidectomy and others.

Why Choose Us For Hypnotherapy


We are the 1st Hypnotherapy Centre in Hong Kong aiming to help the client to deal with the mental related and Psychosomatic problems. We are specially trained in Medical Hypnotherapy in UK. Every year, we attend continuing education course in Europe or United States in order to enhance our clinical skills. The level of expertise not only teaching the client to relax their mind and  ody, but also helping them to uncover and address the deep rooted problems by employing the different approaches such as Gesalt therapy, Analytical Hypnotherapy, Ego strengthening, Re-educate of our belief and so on.

- Experienced, Well trained and Professional Clinical Hypnotherapist

- Treating all client with Respect, Patience and Empathy

- Fixed price (HK$ 750 per session, around 90 minutes per session) *With effect from 1 May 2019, the price will be changed to HK$800 per session.) 

- Reasonable and acceptable price, without any hidden cost


**Cancer patient will be given priority in booking the appointment and each session may exceed 90 minutes but no extra charge levied if the session exceed 90 minutes.


Please do not hesitate to call 3896-3711or Whatsapp 9701-6943 for "FREE telephone evaluation" and more details about the therapy.

Hypnotherapeutic release



Social anxiety
Lack of Confidence

Sexual dysfunction

 Pain Control

Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Chronic Pain




Skin allergy





Smoke cessation

Weight Control

** Although Clinical Hypnotherapy has been proven scientifically and medically to help alleviate many of the physical symptoms, it is not an alternative to seeking proper medical care. Hypnotherapy is an integrative and Complementary Therapy and where necessary, be used in partnership with conventional medicine. First check out all health problems with your doctor, and only then you can combine both a Physician’s and a Hypnotherapist’s healing methods to speed up the recovery.

Hope is everywhere, all you have to do are open yourself up and listen to your heart.

Always respect yourself and your life, if you don't, no one else will.



Room 601, 6/F, Tung Hip Commercial Building, 248 Des Voeux Road Central, Sheung Wan, HK


+(852) 3896-3711

+(852) 9701-6943

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